Management team
At Greencompass there is a dedicated team with experience in logistics, sourcing and quality control. Not only with excellent knowledge of Chinese operation and production but an in depth understanding of quality requirements and product trends for the EU market.

Yanan Wang
Wang Yanan, founder of Greencompass, graduated from the German Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University, obtained an MBA degree from Vlerick Business School, Belgium, and worked on management at Gebeco GmbH and RWE Group, Germany.

Zhou Shuhua
Zhou Shuhua graduated from Hefei University of Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing and Beihang University Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), and worked as a middle-level and senior manager at China Economic Monitoring Center, China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation and Wumart Stores Inc. (01025.HK) and Xiabu Xiabu (China) Holdings Co., Ltd. He is familiar with China’s macroeconomic conditions, corporate strategic investment, chain superstore operation, chain restaurant development and consumer goods market and channels.

Harry Hjortur Valgeirsson
Harry Hjortur Valgeirsson, after 10 years mangement experience in Europe he graduated from Vlerick Business School MBA program in 2010 and has since then resided in China, he joined Greencompass in 2011 in order to implement systemized training and working procedure, including quality control system procedures and HR development.

Joy Jiang
Joy Jiang graduated from Shanghai Fisheries University. And after 7 years sales manager working experience at China Sea Marine (Shang Hai) co, LTD.
In 2010 was promotede to Logistic manager where she organised and led a team of sales representatives for logistics. Joy has excellent knowledge of the logistics industry in China.

Dr. Tanja Bendele LL.M.
LL.M.: Masters thesis in European Industrial Property Law – “The Role of the Parliament of the Member States in the European Union – in Consideration of the Treaty of Lisbon.
Fields of Specialization: Chemistry, organic chemistry, such as organo-functional silicon compounds, organometallic chemistry, construction chemistry, polymorphism, chemistry in the dental field and medical technology, food chemistry and cosmetics, pharmaceutics (pharmacy, galenics), inorganic chemistry, inorganic silicon chemistry, interventional medical technology, processing and treatment of metalloids and precious metals, chemical process engineering, office technology, applied mechanics.